Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores uses the TatuBaby for her professional tattoo name. She was born in Colombia the USA on October 28, 1987. Get info on Tatu her Networth her relationship height weight as well as her full biography. She is an American tattoo artist, as well as TV personality. Ink Master was her first reality show that focused on competitions for tattoos. In season 2 she was placed in the fourth position. Tatu was a contestant on season three of the Ink Master show and got third place at the end of season. Cartel Crew is an upcoming reality series that focuses on drug cartel-related people's lives. She played the lead role for the initial two seasons of the year 2019. Tatu Baby is an American tattooist who has been professionally tattooing since she was 19 years old. In the year 2000, Tatu Baby won a Best Of Day award was awarded to her during an event for tattoos. Tatu s baby tattoo works are most well-known for their realistic custom design black and grey tattoo style. She understands that a body is a great surface on which to create their own unique style. Tatu made it to the fourth place on The Ink Master's Season 2 Tattoo show before being exiled. Tatu was a baby when she began tattooing at 14 years old. Tatu Baby began tattooing herself at her teens and was an artist when she reached the age of 19. Tatu Baby aka. Katherine Kat Flores was born on the 28th of October 1987 in Colombia but was raised in Miami Florida. She is the daughter of Colombians. Her father was a drug kingpin from Queens New York. Her father was murdered by a rival gang when she was four years old. After the murder of her father Her mother was determined to get out of drugs. Tatu's mom followed Tatu into Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. When she dropped out of college, Tatu studied animation. Around the year 2000, she began to become interested in tattoos at age fourteen. Tatu Baby was a seasoned tattoo artist aged 19 when she began working full-time. Tatu baby is blessed with an older brother, named Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges was born in Spain and is an actress. At the age of 12, she began acting in theater as an interest. It was not her intention to pursue acting as a profession at the time due to the nature of the country prevented her from thinking about acting. Astrid was blessed with a variety of personal characteristics that helped in her success. Her birthmark was two-toned eyes (as an outcome of the phenomenon of sectoral heterochromia). Soft bone structure as well as accent foreign to her made her the natural choice for the part of Sofi in the film I Origins (2014). According to the elegant actress "I don't do things more than once. I begin from zero." In some instances she feels nervous, however it is a source of joy because she believes she's getting better. Astrid takes great care to the specifics of her character. Astrid pays close attention to the way her characters speak, move and act. Astrid is also proficient in Catalan and Spanish along with Italian, French, and English.

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